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This collection includes two different and complementary studies (you may click on them to open the online analysis tool):
Attitudes of Spaniards towards Immigration (1991-2007)
This study includes a total of 18 surveys conducted between 1991 and 2007 with a national sample of about 1,200 persons 18 years and over, representative of the Spanish population, and with a questionnaire on Attitudes of Spaniards towards Immigrants that has hardly varied from one year to the next.
The six surveys conducted between 1991 and 1995 were conducted by ASEP for CIRES (a project promoted by the BBV, Cajamadrid and BBK Foundations). The 1996 survey was conducted and funded by ASEP. The seven surveys from 1997 to 2003 were conducted by ASEP and funded by IMSERSO, who has authorized its publication in this Data Archive. The surveys from 2004 to 2007 were conducted and funded by ASEP.
The collection allows you to access an aggregate file of about 21600 respondent cases, with a total of about 400 variables. Most of the variables have been repeated at in five years.
To facilitate the use of this collection we provide you with two essential documents:
Time series document, in Excel format, for the 1991-2007 time series
Aggregated questionnaire of the 1991-2007 surveys.
Fichas técnicas de los estudios
The voice of immigrants (2000-2004)
: It includes a total of 4 surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004 (except for 2003), with a sample of about 770 persons per year, and a geographical scope of 5 spanish Autonomous Communities with the bigest number of immigrants (Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, Valencia and Canaries), and also Murcia in some of the studies.
To facilitate the use of this collection we provide you with two essential documents:
Time series document, in Excel format, for the 1991-2007 time series
Aggregated questionnaire of the 1991-2007 surveys.
Fichas técnicas de los estudios
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