J.D. Comunicación is a global comunication and image consultancy specialized in the analysis and control of advertising and business news.
The aim of the company is to provide global communication services by objectives, which are usually implemented as a reference point between the advertiser and the advertising agencies. JD Comunicación values the content of messages focusing not only on advertising communication, but considering as well any relevant messages that could have an impact on an specific brand or company.
Some of the past and current clients of J.D. Comunicación are:
BBVA, BSCH (BCH), BSCH (Banco Santander), BSCH ( Patagon Internet Bank), Caja Madrid, Caja España, BBK, ASEP, El Corte Inglés, CCM, Telefónica de España, Uno-e, Banco Popular, Bankinter, ING Direct, Barclays, Banesto, Bassat Ogilvy & Mather, J. Walter Thompson, Bancaja, Argentaria, Contrapunto, Sofres, CECA y British American Tobacco.